
Our spiritual pilgrimage is nothing but the progressive elimination of idols after idols.
We have to destroy our idols and eventually reach a place of sanctity
where God alone reigns as the ruler of our hearts. We have to reach a
place where our will is completely surrendered to the will of God. This
process is very painful. Some of us will never kill our idols. Some
people will live in perpetual denial of having an idol in their life.

Many people (at least in Russia) considering themselves
Christians believe that Christ is something like
Jesus’ last name. Thus, these two words (Jesus and Christ)
become closely related in their minds.
But the fact is that Christ is not a last name but rather
a title or a post. Christos is a Greek word; its Hebrew
equivalent is Moshiach, or Messiah in modern spelling.
By these words they call the One who comes to the Earth
from God-the-Father...

Tags: Mobile Bible Jar Files,Mobile
Bible, English Mobile Bible Jar, Telugu Mobile Bible Jar, Bible E
Books,Telugu Bible, English Bible, Bible Jar Files, Christan wallpaper,
Jesus wallpaper Bible Study,Online Bible Study,Telugu Bible Study,Telugu Online Bible Study.
Theology at Midnight
Dr. Ray Pritchard
midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the
other prisoners were listening to them"...

Tags:bible-full-size-images, christian-wallpaper-july-2012,
family-christian-wallpaper, god-phrases-in-bible,
religious-wallpaper-recovery. Previous post: Let There Be Light
Christian Wallpaper. Will is a pastor, family Mobile Bible Jar
Files,Mobile Bible, English Mobile Bible Jar, Telugu Mobile Bible Jar,
Bible E Books,Telugu Bible, English Bible, Bible Jar Files, Christan
wallpaper, Jesus wallpaper

Tags: Online Bible Mobile Bible Jar Files,Mobile Bible, English Mobile
Bible Jar, Telugu Mobile Bible Jar, Bible E Books,Telugu Bible, English
Bible, Bible Jar Files, Christan wallpaper, Jesus wallpaper

ABRAHAM Encyclopedia of World History By Reuven Firestone
According to the Hebrew Bible, New Testament and Qur'an as well as their respective interpretive literatures, Abraham is the first human to realize and act out the divine will. Although foundational figures appear in literatures such as the Gilgamesh Epic that are more ancient than the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), these have been forgotten to history and only...

The Holman Bible Dictionary, in its article "Church," explains the background of the word church (emphasis added throughout):
"Church is the English translation of the Greek word ekklesia.
The use of the Greek term prior to the emergence of the Christian
church is important as two streams of meaning flow from the history of
its usage into the New Testament understanding of church.
"First, the Greek term which basically means...

After Jesus' resurrection He instructed and encouraged His disciples
over the course of 40 days (Acts 1:3). He told them to remain in
Jerusalem so they could receive God's miraculous power. On Pentecost
the disciples were assembled in Jerusalem when God gave them His
Spirit, validated by signs and wonders (Acts 2:1-4). The apostle Peter
then spoke to the people who were gathered from many nations to keep
that feast (verses...

The Bible uses several analogies to teach us about God's Church—how
it is organized, how it works and how we should relate to the Church
and each other. One of these compares the Church with something close
at hand—our amazing human body.
What does the Bible reveal about the way the Church is organized?
as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of
that one body, being many, are one body, so also...

this world, people are trying to express their strengths in different
ways. There is competition in all aspects. All the countries are
competing to express their innovation from the basic agriculture to
space research. As, we all know, in every interview for a job, the
question, “what is your strength, what is your weakness?” is asked.
Actually this does not refer to the physical strength. The aspect of
one’s character...

Our word "baptize" is translated from the original Greek word "baptizo", which means to immerse. All Greek Bible dictionaries define the word "baptizo" only as immerse, dip or plunge. "Baptizo"
does not mean sprinkle or pour. If our Lord had wanted people to be
sprinkled, he would have inspired the New Testament writers to use the
Greek word "rhantizo". If our Lord wanted people to be poured He would have inspired...